
HF Sinclair 401(k) Model Allocations – Q4/2024

ATTN HF Sinclair, We are pleased to announce updated 401k allocation recommendations have been released for Q4/2024. For clients who are enrolled in our 401(k) direct management services, your 401(k) investment positions have already been updated and you do not need to take any action at this time. If you do not currently utilize our 401(k) [...]

October 2, 2024|

Hilcorp 401(k) Model Allocations – Q4/2024

ATTN Hilcorp Employees, We are pleased to announce updated 401k allocation recommendations have been released for Q4/2024. For clients who are enrolled in our 401(k) direct management services, your 401(k) investment positions have already been updated and you do not need to take any action at this time. If you do not currently utilize our 401(k) [...]

October 2, 2024|

BP 401(k) Model Allocations – Q4/2024

ATTN BP Employees, We are pleased to announce updated 401k allocation recommendations have been released for Q4/2024. For clients who are enrolled in our 401(k) direct management services, your 401(k) investment positions have already been updated and you do not need to take any action at this time. If you do not currently utilize our 401(k) [...]

October 2, 2024|

RAP/Pension InterestRate Chart September 2024

ATTN BP Employees, Updated interest rates that impact your BP Pension (BP RAP) have been released. For a clear understanding of these changing rates, please find our attached interest rate chart detailing the current interest rates influencing your BP RAP and our predictions for where they may head in the future. The top row contains the [...]

October 2, 2024|

RAP/Pension InterestRate Chart August 2024

ATTN BP Employees, Updated interest rates that impact your BP Pension (BP RAP) have been released. For a clear understanding of these changing rates, please find our attached interest rate chart detailing the current interest rates influencing your BP RAP and our predictions for where they may head in the future. The top row contains the [...]

August 29, 2024|

RAP/Pension InterestRate Chart July 2024

ATTN BP Employees, Updated interest rates that impact your BP Pension (BP RAP) have been released. For a clear understanding of these changing rates, please find our attached interest rate chart detailing the current interest rates influencing your BP RAP and our predictions for where they may head in the future.  The top row contains the [...]

August 5, 2024|

RAP/Pension InterestRate Chart June 2024

ATTN BP Employees, Updated interest rates that impact your BP Pension (BP RAP) have been released. For a clear understanding of these changing rates, please find attached our interest rate chart detailing the current interest rates influencing your BP RAP and our predictions for where they may head in the future.  The top row contains the [...]

July 8, 2024|

Marathon 401(k) Model Allocations – Q3/2024

ATTN Marathon, We are pleased to announce updated 401k allocation recommendations have been released for Q3/2024. For clients who are enrolled in our 401(k) direct management services, your 401(k) investment positions have already been updated and you do not need to take any action at this time. If you do not currently utilize our 401(k) management [...]

July 8, 2024|

HF Sinclair 401(k) Model Allocations – Q3/2024

ATTN HF Sinclair, We are pleased to announce updated 401k allocation recommendations have been released for Q3/2024. For clients who are enrolled in our 401(k) direct management services, your 401(k) investment positions have already been updated and you do not need to take any action at this time. If you do not currently utilize our 401(k) [...]

July 8, 2024|

Hilcorp 401(k) Model Allocations – Q3/2024

ATTN Hilcorp Employees, We are pleased to announce updated 401k allocation recommendations have been released for Q3/2024. For clients who are enrolled in our 401(k) direct management services, your 401(k) investment positions have already been updated and you do not need to take any action at this time. If you do not currently utilize our 401(k) [...]

July 8, 2024|
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